Time To Relax: We workin' on some next level shit

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Time To Relax: We workin' on some next level shit

On the Eve of Construction

Like John Lennon said:

“Life is what hits you when you are looking the other way …” (look it up)

Creation takes will and planning and determination and skill and sometimes a lot of chances.

Like Einstein said:

“God does not play dice!” (look it up)

Some days it feels like you gonna roll snake eyes e’er time you flick your wrist and other days you comin’ up boxcars thinkin’:

“This ain’t what I planned on doing all my life!”

The Best Laid Plans

Maybe life is just like shootin’ pool?

Some boys up there at the table all night linin’ up they shot with a protracter and a damn sextant and all the people thinkin’ ”

“When this boy gonna shoot?”

And he pulls back and shoots and misses!

Meanwhile some other mother’s son up at the next table with a belly full, talkin’ and laughin’ and dancin’ and leans over, looks you in the eye, callin’ the shot…

“Eight ball, corner pocket… ”

Winks at you and pops it in!

Maxwell’s Silver Hammer

Seems like ev’er time I line it up, tryin’ ta make it all work out with a plan and device and all my wisdom ‘n’ skills..

I may as well just be an acolyte, pumpin’ up my little butterfly wings.

Other days I take a breath and do a dance and poppin’ it off all day!

We Can Work It Out

Funny thing about being in the flow is you don’t have to think about it.

In fact, if you thinkin’ about it, then you definitely ain’t in it. The flow, that is.

What are you thinkin’ about?

What are you good at? Dancin’? Singin’? Shootin’ Pool?

Notice they all verbs…

As in Being, Doing

Like Bob Dylan says:

“Don’t need a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows..”

What was that boy singin’ about anyway?