Windows and Doors and more

New England Architecture

Windows and Doors and more

Architectural Styles of New England

Traveling down the long and winding roads of New England is like having a guided tour through time! Within the short span of only miles you can view structures built by the first settlers from across the pond dating as far back as the 1660’s with the Jackson House 76 Northwest Street in Portsmouth, NH; Still standing and structurally sound through the use of superior strength of timber framing. Old man winter has been trying to knock this one down for years! The grand designers went medeivel on his arse!

Colonial English

The industrious nature and hardworking spirit of our colonial ancestors still shines bright through these Georgian homes nestled along the New Hampshire countryside. A lasting indicator for our incessant desire to keep our hands busy! Not standing idle for more than a second. These craftsmen exhibit and unmatched experience and knowledge of building and preservation! A testament to last another 300 years! What was it that flowed through the veins of these old growth trees to keep upright and firm against all comers?

God Bless the Queen! (Victoria)

Not to be outdone by the lavishness of the Greek Revivalists, The Victorian style goes one step beyond to take architecture to an new level! With windows opening to windows and doors over floors and stairways to heaven, these designers seem to be drunk on their own glory to manifest such timeless style and design! Please don’t blink on your Sunday Drive or you may miss another age and fall of the edge into the ocean in Rye, NH . We are all blessed to have such royalty among us!

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